Thursday, February 28, 2008

Water To-Go

Americans dispose of an estimated 30 million plastic bottles per day (!!!) and sadly only 14% are recycled. I do see many people reuse their water bottles to do their part to help Mother Earth but you may want to rethink doing this. You see, most plastic bottles are made from PET plastic (short for Polyethylene terephthalate). PET plastic bottles contain chemicals like Phthlalates and bisephenol that can seep into the water. (Ewww!) These toxins can disrupt your whole body, messing with your hormonal balance and trigger symptoms like weight gain and fatigue. Quite counter-productive when we're always told that drinking more water helps with weight loss and energizes you.

A perfect alternative for the agua drinker on the go is the oh-so-handy-and-dandy SIGG bottle! SIGG bottles are made from aluminum, so they’re durable and keeps your water toxin-free. SIGG bottles exceed FDA requirements and have been thoroughly tested to ensure 0.0% leaching. My co-worker, Lisa Bee brought one of these to a meeting a few months ago and I naturally fell in love with its sleek look (hers is blue and shiny...oh yes, green envy!) and environmental benefits galore! It even keeps your water cooler! And you can take these babies anywhere! They even have special "lifestyle" designs to fit your personality. Order yours from the SIGG official site. I also hear that REIs carry them, too.

And as an added bonus, top off your water bottle by using your home water filtration system like Brita. I see shoppers load their shopping carts with water bottles galore when they can easily investsin their own water filtration system and reduce plastic usage altogether! Who doesn't like win-win situations!

EDIT: Per my sister's comment, here is another plastic water bottle alternative. It's Klean Kanteen. It doesn't seem to have as much variety in the design/look department but still another great alternative. Check it out!


Anonymous said...

theres also and tap water!


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