Monday, March 3, 2008

for the pearly whites

The time is coming up for me to switch out my toothbrush. If you're in the same boat then you should opt for a recycled toothbrush! One of the popular brushes hail from Recycline. Their "Preserve" brushes are made from 100% recycled plastics, 25 percent of which comes from Stonyfield Farm yogurt cups. How awesome are reincarnated yogurt cups? They are only $2.50 each or 4 for $13. Pas mal. They even throw in a come in a convenient little travel case with little vent holes to help keep your toothbrush ‘fresh’.

When it's time for a new brush just place your old one into a convenient postage-paid Recycline mailer and your old brush will be reincarnated into plastic lumber. Brings a smile to my face.

Get your own recycled toothbrush from Recycline
Or check out Vegan Essentials
Or your local Trader Joe's


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