Thursday, March 27, 2008

Spring Cleaning Tip #4: Safe Sopping

Yes, you are conscious about your cleaning and using rags and sponges instead of paper towels. But are you using the right sponges? Be sure you're using pure cellulose sponges sans synthetic disinfectants. You'll know if has disinfectants if the packaging says is "kills germs" or "resists odors". Yes, you want to be germ-free but you'll have to embrace the fact that sponges naturally harbour bacteria anyway. It's a wet product and obvious breeding ground for bacteria.

But stop to consider that these odor/germ killing disinfectants are pretty much pesticides. No bueno, man. And do you really want to contribute to the evolution of super germs that are resistant to anything and everything we throw their way? Extra no bueno!

Be sure to arm yourself with pure cellulose sponges without the added chemicals (find them at your hardware store) the next time you buy a new pack of sponges. Keep them germ-free by boiling it in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes or microwaving it on high for 1 minute. Weird, I know, but it works.


Anonymous said...

Just an idea. why use electricity to kill the germs? maybe using some alcohol might be the more green thing and it could get rid of some bad vodka getting dusty in your liquor cabinet. Or i think lemons are a natural antiseptic, and it would leave a nice smell...

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