Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Green In The Face

Even in my sickbed I still managed to practice my green ways as best I could. Normally one pictures a sickbed to be riddled with tissue paper. Thankfully I avoided that path and used a hanky instead! It's quite an old fashioned way to blow your nose but it helps you avoid the paper trail! I wasn't able to find handkerchief, per se, so I dug up an old t-shirt (not pictured) and a clean mini rag to alleviate my nasal congestion.

My mom was nice eno
ugh to come to the rescue bearing orange juice, medicine, and soup. She was quite upset when I told her I wanted to ride the fever out au naturale and plopped 2 bottles of flu medicine by my bedside. Luckily, she indirectly made a smarter choice and bought medicine out of bottles instead of pills I'd have to pop our of the plastic/foil combo. Although the plastic bottles aren't the "greenest" thing because they contain petroleum based plastic, they can be easily reused or recycled while the plastic/foil pill containers are an enviro mess! I had some of those pills leftover from when my sister was sick during her last visit and as much as I didn't want to have to use them due to the waste I would be creating I took then anyway. Why? Because they are still good and I didn't want to have to toss out the pills.

If you have push-out pills in your medicine cabinet don't throw them out! And definitely don't flush them! Doing either will lead to them seeping into the our water systems somehow. We don't want that happening now, do we? Save them for your next sickday. No use wasting good medicine for no good reason.


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