Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day Everyone! Going out to celebrate? Why not stay out longer and be a mooch! That's right -- be an energy mooch! If you've got dinner plans or just meeting someone for coffee later tonight might as well mooch off the communal energy at your restaurant or cafe!

This means less energy usage at your own home and you're using someone else's lights. You may even convince the restaurant or cafe to serve by candlelight in honour of today. C'est tres romantique, non? And while you're out, why not take an after dinner walk. You'll enjoy more time with your dinner buddy, get some leisurely exercising worked into your day, and you're enjoying the lovely outdoors!

Another celebratory idea is having your own energy-free/waste-free dinner at home. Invite friends over! Serve a nice hearty salad with some cheese and crackers over beeswax candlelight, serve yourself a glass of organic wine, user reusable plates and utensils, and opt for conversation (or read if you're alone).

Enjoy Earth Day!


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