Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Trash Round-Up Challenge

A great way to reduce your own personal trash is by keeping track of your trash, documenting it somehow, and looking at your list of sorts and deciding what/how you can reduce how much trash you throw out!

Many people on different green blogs do this - they document their weekly trash, share with readers, and it is a great way to just lay it out there. Actually seeing what you toss out really does help! And also take into account your food waste. The more we see how much food we toss out the more conscious we will be (hopefully) of only taking enough food so that you don't waste it.

If I am good about it, I will share my weekly trash with you every week or as much as I can.

And for more Wasted Food reading check out one of my favourite blogs "Wasted Food". Jonathan writes about wasted food in America and around the world! Definitely a great read.


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