Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Bike-To-Work Week!

May is National Bike Month and this week (May 12th to 16th) is National Bike to Work Week so saddle up and start peddlin', folks! Thankfully I bought my bike on time and have been riding to work as much as I can and I am loving every minute of it! I'm becoming an addict...5-6 miles each way...and I'm starting to brave traffic more and more. My co-worker has even started biking to work now, too! We should really start a bike gang now...him dressing in sharp riding knickers and shoes that click into his pedals; me with my matching bike helmet, stylish cape, and basket lined with flowers.

Reasons why you should bike to work this week (and everyday for that matter):

  • It’s Healthy! Great exercise without setting foot in a gym! Think of all the calories you'll burn...and how much happier your heart will be.
  • It’s Economical! With gas prices rising towards the $5 mark, think about the money you'll be saving.
  • It’s Environmentally Friendly! Mounting your bicycle to work reduces your carbon emissions. Did you know that if you drove a Toyota Camry and lived 9 miles from work, you would reduce emissions pollutants by 908 lbs year by biking one day a week?


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